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Overview of the project


  • 부서 : 투자유치부
  • 문의전화 : 043-220-8372
  • 5 National Medical Related R&D

  • Communication & Venture Research

  • 5 National Bio-Medical Facilities

Overview of development

  • The only region specialized for biotechnology and the optimal place to attract biotechnology businesses (the Osong High-Tech Medical Complex, the Korea version FDA and other permit-granting agencies as well as other government agencies cluster in the zone.)
  • Capable of promoting biotechnology-based convergence industries (favorable conditions to attract global businesses specializing in new biotechnology drugs and medical devices)

Development figures

  • Location : Within Osong, Cheongju, Chungbuk (around Osong KTX Station)
  • Size : 4,414 thousand (㎡)
    (Osong Biomedical District 10.57 billion KRW, Osong Bio-Converging Industrial District 104.95 billion KRW)
  • Total amount of investment : 1,155.2 billion KRW
  • Project period : 2013 to 2020

Investment merits

Nucleus of the biotech cluster of Northeast Asia

  • The Osong Bioscience Complex, the only biomedical industrial complex across the country, and the Osong High-Tech Medical Complex, the biomedical hub of Northeast Asia
  • Highest levels of accessibility across the country: within two hours distance from anywhere in the country (one minute distance from Osong KTX Stn.), 20 minutes from Cheongju International Airport, and 10 minutes from Sejong

Optimal place for the biomedical industry, combining research and development, permit granting, and production

  • A cluster of the top six government-funded healthcare and medical agencies, biomedical facilities, the high-tech medical complex, key research support facilities for the high-tech medical complex, and other elements of biomedical infrastructure.
  • A Northeast Asian biotech cluster has been built (some 100 domestic and foreign businesses have made investments in Osong and Ochang).

Capable of promoting biotechnology-based convergence industries

  • Utilizes technological infrastructure for new biotechnology drugs, medical devices, semiconductors and IT products.
  • Optimal place for global businesses working toward research and development and product manufacturing.

Key district for foreign tourists and medical tourism

  • Cheongju International Airport ensuring accessibility to neighboring countries.
  • Infrastructure specialized for biotechnology industries helps attract general hospitals and foreign medical tourists.

Favorable living conditions for foreigners

  • Exclusive residential lots for foreigners are offered.
  • Schools, hospitals and pharmacies for foreigners have been established.