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Support agencies


  • 부서 : 투자유치부
  • 문의전화 : 043-220-8372

Support agencies

Support agencies - S/N, Name, Primary roles, Site size, Building size, Project cost, Current status
S/N Name Primary roles Site size Building size Project cost Current status
1 National Biobank of Korea Centralized management of biological samples (blood samples, tumor samples, etc.) 12,538 12,301 275 Open in Apr. 26, 2012
2 Osong Social Welfare Center Support facility 9,881 8,950 150 Open in Sep. 2013
3 Chungcheongbuk-do Healthcare and Environment Institute Support facility 9,953 5,636 64 Open in Apr. 2010
4 National Center for Medical Science Information Systematic use of medical science information (human genome data etc.) 9,818 6,611 158 Open in Mar. 2014
5 Communications Center, and the Venture Capital Funded Research Center Provide the medical district with convenience and R&D facilities and lots for venture-funded companies. 18,645 20,338 384 Construction completed in Aug. 2013
6 New Drug Development Center Support the development of new drugs by, inter alia, providing technologies and facilities. 77,978 22,190 814 Construction completed in Nov. 2013
7 Medical Device Development Center Support the development of medical devices by, inter alia, providing technologies and facilities. 10,275 686
8 Laboratory Animal Center Provide animal testing services for the development of new drugs and medical devices. 7,258 337
9 Clinical Drug Manufacturing Center Produce and supply clinical trial samples for new drugs. 5,691 444
10 Korea Industrial Complex Corporation Support facility 9,918 - - Work not started yet
11 Stem Cell Regeneration Research Center Systematic registration and management of stem cell lines 4,232 4,230 164 Work started on Mar. 2014
(Construction completed in May. 2015)
12 Stem Cell Regeneration Research Center Develop new drugs using forest biomaterials. 8,250 18,000 1,251
Occupancy agreement signed in Feb. 2012
Sum total Total 30 Places 263,721.2 161,362 5,844
Support agencies 12 Places 161,213 121,480 4,727