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  • 부서 : 투자유치부
  • 문의전화 : 043-220-8372


Schools - S/N, Name, Primary functions, Site size, Building size, Project cost, Current status
S/N Name Primary functions Site size Building size Project cost Current status
1 Korea University Biomedical Engineering Institute Conduct biomedical engineering research and support other occupants/corporations 33,459 5,488 93 Construction completed in Dec. 2012
2 Semyung University Conduct clinical studies on natural materials. 6,289 1,908 100 Occupancy agreement signed in Feb. 2012; in the construction documents phase
3 Industry-academic collaboration district Train biotech researchers and support corporate research and development efforts. 4,959 5,670 174 Work started on Jan. 2014
4 Seowon University Biotech convergence development 3,653.7 3,471 131 Occupancy agreement signed in Sep. 2013
5 Yonsei University Research and develop pharmaceuticals. 1,653 1,670 12 Work started on May. 2014 (Construction completed in Dec. 2014)
NameColleges and universities Primary functionsFive locations Site size50,013.7 Building size18,207 Project cost510 Current status