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CBfez announces that extension of the retention period of temporary factory structures is possible
내용 CBfez announces that extension of the retention period of temporary factory structures is possible

- Resolving the difficulties of the resident companies in CBfez -

CBfez announced that it is now possible to extend the retention period of temporary factory structures in the CBfez District Unit Plan.

Since it has been impossible to extend the retention of temporary factory structures (warehouses, etc.) in the CBfez Unit Plan, resident companies have expressed management difficulties such as economic losses due to the demolition of existing temporary structures and difficulties in finding alternative places to store inventory.

According to the change in the District Unit Plan Establishment Guidelines, temporary factory structures can be considered as permitted uses if they are auxiliary uses of factories, and if the building owners do not want to demolish them, the retention period will be automatically extended for the same period as the existing temporary structures.

However, for temporary factory structures that have already been built, an initial extension report should be made, and automatic extension is possible thereafter.

CBfez Director General Maeng Gyeong-jae said. “We will continue to do our best to resolve the difficulties faced by tenant companies in CBfez.”