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  • 부서 : 투자유치부
  • 문의전화 : 043-220-8372
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Temporary opening of access road to Osong Biomedical District
내용 Temporary opening of access road to Osong Biomedical District

- Establishment of a connected transportation system between Cheongju Airport ~ Osong 1st Industrial Complex ~ Osong 2nd Industrial Complex ~ Sejong -

On Sept. 8, CBfez announced that the access road to Osong Biomedical District, which was built to improve the infrastructure of the free economic zone, will be temporarily opened on September 10.

This 2.4-km road (with four to six lanes) connects Osong Biomedical District (Osong 1st Industrial Complex) and Biopolis District (Osong 2nd Industrial Complex) in the north.

CBfez decided to temporarily open the road for the convenience of homecoming visitors and residents during the Chuseok holiday, even though the project, launched in March 2020, is scheduled for final completion in October.

This road, connected to National Route 1, Provincial Route 508, and the Sejong-Seoul Expressway branch line (scheduled for completion in 2026) will serve as a key road network connecting the north and south sides of Seoul~Osong and the east and west sides of Sejong~Osong~Cheongju Airport centered on Osong. It is also expected to play an important role in the establishment of a connected transportation system for Seoul~Osong~Cheongju Airport as well as the development of the Osong area.

“With the opening of the new road, we expect great effects such as improved living conditions and increased transportation convenience for residents and resident companies by connecting the Osong BIO Complex (Biopolis-Biomedical) and enhancing accessibility to surrounding cities such as Cheonan and Sejong,” a Chungcheongbuk-do official said. “We will continue to do our best to improve infrastructure to revitalize CBfez.”