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Ssamji Plaza On-Chungbuk Market, One Step Closer to Citizens!
작성일 :
내용 - Expecting operation of agricultural specialty markets with various themes in the second half of the year -

The On-Chungbuk Market, a direct trading market held at the Chungcheongbuk-do Provincial Office Plaza every Friday from 10 AM to 4 PM from May 24 to Nov. 29, reopened on Sep. 6 after a break in July and August.

On-Chungbuk is Chungcheongbuk-do's online store that opened on Aug. 30, serving as the hub of online and offline shopping. Following this meaning, the direct trading market was also named On-Chungbuk Market, ( )and some items sold in the market are also sold simultaneously on the online shopping mall.

As it reopened in the second half of the year, the location was changed to the newly created Ssamji Plaza within the provincial office. Ssamji Plaza is located along the road towards Seongan-gil, making it more accessible and allowing it to get one step closer to the citizens.

18 farms participate in the On-Chungbuk Market, selling excellent agricultural specialties produced in the province such as apples, peppers, grapes, and livestock products at prices 10% to 30% lower than market prices.

The On-Chungbuk Market operates with various themes. On Sep. 6, it sold ugly apples at low prices, receiving great response from visitors, and on Sep. 13, it held the Chungcheongbuk-do Food Master Exhibition.

An official from the Chungcheongbuk-do Provincial Office stated, "The On-Chungbuk Market at the provincial office plaza is helping farms struggling with sales channels and contributing to promoting consumption of local agricultural specialties. Especially in the second half of the year, we plan to operate it as a distinctive market with various themes, so we ask for much interest from the citizens."